What is Cell free DNA testing?

 Cell free DNA testing can evaluate for chromosomal irregularities, like trisomy. A few hereditary problems are brought about by additional chromosomes – Down condition is brought about by an additional chromosome 21, Edwards disorder is brought about by an additional chromosome 18, and Patau disorder is brought about by chromosome 13.

As a screening test it includes the taking of a blood test from a pregnant lady. The blood of a pregnant lady contains their unborn child's DNA in their circulation system. Cell free DNA testing evaluates this DNA for chromosomal irregularities. 

The body contains 46 chromosomes, with 23 sets in each body cell. At the point when one of these 23 sets contains an additional duplicate of a chromosome it is known as trisomy. This screening test is viewed as okay for Mother and child, and at the equivalent exceptionally exact. To know more about DNA Test visit Bione and get complete information.


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